
We’re  extending the Open Call until 15.04.: We’re looking for: FLINTA* artists for the project “Art and Exchange in the Diaspora”

Ānn Verein cordially invites FLINTA* artists from different backgrounds to apply for a two-part project focusing on art and exchange in the diaspora. We are looking for a total of 6 artists who deal with feminist issues, the challenges of diaspora communities and related topics.

The first part of the project is planned for the end of May 2024. The selected artists will be invited to meet in April and May to exchange ideas and prepare for workshops, installations or lectures to be presented at the end of May. The results of this creative process and exchange will then be presented in a curated exhibition in September.

The medium for the artistic work is freely selectable. As part of the project, the artists will collaborate with renowned institutions such as the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna and the Soho Institute.

Fees are provided for the artists. This project was funded by the City of Vienna, MA7 .

The motto of the project continues to be: “Women, Life, Freedom.”

We look forward to receiving numerous submissions by 15.04.2024, 23:59. Please understand that incomplete submissions or submissions after the deadline cannot be considered.

Submission documents:

Short biography

Maximum one-page project description

Artistic portfolio

Personal details (full name, telephone number, email address)

Website or Instagram (if available)

Please send your submission documents to [info@ann-verein.at].

We look forward to your participation!

Yours sincerely,

The ĀNN Association team


Art & Performanc

24.09.23 in Wien – Eintritt: frei​e Spende

Fractured Narratives

A year has passed since Jina Mahsa Amini was killed by the so-called morality police in Iran, which ignited a formidable revolution. “Fractured Narratives” emerges not just as an ode to the spirited battles of the Iranian people, but also as a testament to the multifaceted narratives that arise from the interplay of politics, art, and media representation.
In a landscape where the power orchestrates narratives, true stories often get fragmented, presenting mere glimpses of a reality that defies the established order.

Amidst the restrictions of a silenced internet and curated news, the people turned to the screens of their phones to broadcast their truths. These “poor images”, characterized by their raw and unpolished nature, echo sentiments that are genuine and resonating.
From diverse corners, individuals converge, sharing fragmented videos and anecdotes that, when pieced together, depict a vivid tapestry of defiance. As you delve into the evocative realms of video art and performances, “Fractured Narratives” unravels the simplified stories frequently showcased by mainstream channels, urging visitors to venture deeper.

It beckons you to discern the myriad tales often submerged in the shadows. It invites you to revise the path of “the truth” into numerous hidden truths. It’s an invitation to discern the genuine from the fabricated, to comprehend the magnitude of real stories in an era where such narratives often remain obscured.


Arash Lorestani

Marzieh Emadi

Sina Saadat

Performance Artists

Pourea Alimirzaee (Musician)

Rebekka Pilcher (Performance Dance)

Saleh RoZati (Musician)

Collaboration with

Kaarnamaa Institute of Art & Visual Culture

Wiener Lichtblicke

Soho Studio


We, artists and members of the ĀNN association, are proud to be a part of the artistic community in Vienna, Austria. For the past few months, we have been watching from far the ongoing brutal killings and arrests in Iran. We cannot remain silent. The Iranian fight for freedom is a fight for us all. WOMAN, LIFE, FREEDOM.

Over 100 days have passed since the tragic death of Jina Mahsa Amini, a 22 years old Kurdish woman who was violently and unjustly arrested and killed by Iran’s “morality police”. Since then, more than 3000 protests and demonstrations have happened around the world in support of this revolution, and we have witnessed an unprecedented record in grassroots movements.

The non-democratic government of the Islamic Republic of Iran has faced continuous protests for the past 4 decades. However, this new wave of protests is led by fierce Iranian women raising their voices and putting their lives at risk to attain basic women and human rights.

In an attempt to silence this feminist movement, the government has used raw violence, killing over 600 people including 70 children. Thousands of protesters, journalists, human rights activists and artists have been illegally arrested and imprisoned over the past few weeks. Along with this horrific reality, we hear about death sentences and biased trials and the shutdown of the internet, further isolating the Iranian people and violently suppressing their cry for freedom.

All over the world, artists are concerned with the issues of freedom, women’s rights and equality. Art can reach a wide audience in an emotional way and inspire people with its subjects. Visual artists and performers have been one of the leading actors of this revolution from the very beginning. They have created many works within a few weeks that have reached people worldwide.

ĀNN association in cooperation with the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, fully supports this female-led revolution in Iran. We come together to provide a platform on the international artistic landscape and we contact you today to invite you to participate in a non-for-profit exhibition that will support and echo the voices of the Iranian people.

This exhibition is centered around the theme FREEDOM, within the context of the current revolution in Iran. WOMAN, LIFE, FREEDOM also refers  to the oppression of Ethnic minorities, LGBTQIA+ community, FLINTA* persons and Religious minorities. It is an attempt to unite all the people in their fight for equality and freedom in Iran and all over the world.

All profits from this exhibition will be gathered by the ĀNN association and will be sent in full to Iran, a trusted local association caring for injured protesters and families of imprisoned protesters mainly in the provinces of Kurdistan and Baluchestan.

Kind regards,

Members of the ĀNN association